M2Sensors is a Spanish company specialized in the design, manufacture and implementation of sensor networks for environmental, structural and energy efficiency monitoring. With offices in Valladolid and Verín (Ourense), the company was founded in 2019, the result of the research and professional experience of a group of engineers, computer scientists and physicists passionate about sensorics and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Our mission is to offer comprehensive, robust and scalable solutions to all professionals who need to know and reliably control their processes and services, whether industrial, commercial, residential or public. To do so, we use cutting-edge technology, adapted to the needs and requirements of each client, which allows us to capture, transmit, process and analyze the data of interest, as well as automate the response based on this data to optimize the performance and security of the systems.

Our team is international, multidisciplinary and highly qualified, which allows us to successfully meet the technological challenges of our customers, from the R+D+i to the maintenance phase. We have extensive experience in the sensorics sector, having participated in national and international projects of great relevance and recognition. In addition, we are committed to innovation, quality and sustainability, always seeking excellence in our work and the satisfaction of our customers.



We analyze the needs of each project, defining the requirements and estimating the development and implementation options as well as the cost.


We define the development options for each project according to the technical requirements and financial capacity of each client.

Select and Implement

We carefully select the components of each monitoring system and implement them at the customer's location.


We use our own monitoring platform for the storage and analysis of the data received from our systems.


In 2019, M2Sensors team has participated in the ADE2020 business acceleration program, managed by the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León.

It has also participated in the CREA 2019 Workshop, carried out in collaboration between the Valladolid City Council, and the Center “Centro de Recursos para Emprendedores y Autoempleados (CREA)”, through the Valladolid Agency for Innovation and Economic Development, being beneficiaries of a CREA scholarship, according to the file AI-9/2019 regarding the Public Call for the application for Entrepreneurial Training Scholarships from the  Center “Centro de Recursos para Emprendedores/as y Autoempleados/as (CREA)” for the year 2019.


In 2022, M2Sensors has started the SIMAT project, subsidized by the Galician Innovation Agency. The project consists of the development of an innovative product that makes it possible to detect termites at a distance and remotely, without the need for baits. It is a solution based on the acoustic detection of the sound generated by termites when eating the wood.
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Para promover o desenvolvemento tecnolóxico, a innovación e unha investigación de calidade.

Esta operación está financiada pola Xunta de Galicia, a través de axudas concedidas pola Axencia Galega de Innovación, dentro do programa de axudas á empresa RECUPERACIÓN EXCELENCIA NEOTEC 2021-IN870A.

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M2SENSORS is a full member of ANECPLA since February 1st, 2024.

© 2018-2024 M2Sensors